Pants Manufacturers
- 6086
- 29 Ocak 2019
Looking for Pants Manufacturers and can not find? Are you not familiar with where to find the Good Quality Pants Manufacturer? Men's Pants Manufacturer Carlo Potti is serving you. Cartlo Potti has become one of the leading companies in the textile sector for many years. Istanbul Sultangazi well located mainly in Turkey and all over the world have been making in our factory Men's Pants production. The pants we produce vary according to the quality and cost of our customers. Trouser production is a business that is not important for anyone to do easily. There are issues to be considered while producing. You can also find Carlo Potti with the skills and knowledge he has provided for many years. We pay attention to the fact that we do not restrict the mobility of the person in the trousers we produce, comfort, quality and aesthetics. The priority of our products is the satisfaction of our customers. Our work flow diagram is as follows. We get information about the desired pants model and quantity of our customers. After the model of the determined trousers according to the size of the mold are created. In the meantime, the desired fabric is determined and cuts are started according to these fabric patterns. After the cutting process, it is sewn and iron and packaging processes are performed. After these transactions, we send you our production on the dates that we mentioned before. All of these stages are carried out in our own factory. The necessary control procedures are carried out continuously in order to make the stages correct. Being a Male Pants Manufacturer is not easy. CARLO POTTİ continuously proves this because of its quality. If you would like to work with professional Trousers Manufacturers, you can contact us. Contact Tel: 0 534 946 70 95